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Final Resting Places to a Grand Mix of Persons


The number of cemeteries dedicated to those outside of the Catholic church is a testament to the Medici intention to make the city of Livorno grow...lifting bans (but not prejudices) against outsiders - especially the Jewish. Livorno expanded fast. In fact, Livorno is noted for having not only a wide diversity in cemeteries but also churches of many different creeds thanks to its mingling of populations and its fame as an international port.

Perhaps one of the oldest of its kind in the Mediterranean area, the monumental English cemetery in Via Verdi which dates from the 1640s. Long before the English Cemetery in either Rome or Florence. It was the final resting place for Protestants of various nationalities who were living or staying in Livorno and other parts of Italy during the 17th, 18th and first part of the 19th century.  In addition to the many British citizens, there are also French Huguenots, Germans, Swiss, Americans and several American marines buried here.

Recently restored, there is the monumental Jewish cemetery in viale Ippolito Nievo which was active from 1840 till the early 1900’s. Inside the cemetery of about 16.000 square meters, you will find tree lined paths, cypress trees over a hundred years old and an interesting collection of plants, tombs and monuments from this period, many of which have an important artistic value.

In the beginning of the 16th century the ‘Livornina Law’ was passed, stating that all Jews who settled in the port town of Livorno would be guaranteed their freedom, including freedom to worship as they pleased. Thus creating a “ghetto-less" Jewish settlement which grew from 110 to 3000 persons rather quickly. Some of the more prestigious names buried here include: the Montefiore, Attias, Franco, Modigliani, Rosselli, Racah, 27 rabbis and masters of the Jewish religion, of which is also Elia Benamozegh.

You will also find cemeteries dedicated to Germans, Dutch, Armenian and Turkey...to name just a few.

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