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Experience a new and unique experience in Livorno with the Golf Club.

First Golf Club of the City

First Golf Club of the City

just a 15-minute walk away

Welcome to the First Golf Club of the City, just a 15-minute walk from Suites Marilia Apartments, with a pleasant walk along the promenade.
A unique experience in a unique location, all to be discovered.

Take advantage and Book Now a Stay combined with a lesson or experience a whole new game experience.

Visit the Facebook page, Golf Club Livorno, for all information.

The Golf Club Livorno is located in a 10-hectare area within the city and only 50 meters from the sea. The design and construction management of the entire intervention were entrusted to architects Umberto and Tommaso Franceschi, who used parameters of excellence for the construction of the golf course, also thanks to the collaboration with the University of Pisa with the consultancy of Dr. Marco Volterrani and Dr. Paolo Croce, adopting for the first time in Italy the philosophy of 100% organic golf course and entirely made in macroterma, including greens, thus achieving a 40% water saving compared to traditional golf courses.



The golf course modeling was carried out by expert shaper Franco Oroni, who has more than 30 golf courses to his credit.

The course consists of 9 holes par 28 for a length of 1375 meters.

160 meters – Par 3
An uphill hole characterized by a large depression on the left along the entire fairway, which ends next to the green. The green, in addition to the depression, is defended by a bunker on the right.

270 meters – Par 4
The only par 4 on the course with a slight dogleg to the left, tee shot towards the sea with two bunkers coming into play in the area to the right of the landing area. The green is embraced by a bunker on the left and frontally, while on the right there is an area with a strong slope that takes away wrong shots on this side.

140 meters – Par 3
A downhill hole characterized by a lake positioned on the right in front of the green, which is further defended by a pot bunker on the left and a bunker on the back right. The tee shot to end up on the green must cross a large canal and then skim the lake. For less experienced players, a playing area has been created between the ditch and the lake and on the left between the ditch and the green.

150 meters – Par 3
An uphill hole identified by two pre-existing stone terraces, to reach the green you must cross a large ditch and then the first terrace, the green is defended on the right by a bunker while on the back it is surrounded by the second terrace.

120 meters – Par 3
A hole characterized by a depression in the front of the green and a deep pot bunker defending the green on the left.

130 meters – Par 3
A downhill hole with a large bunker embracing the green on the left and frontally, on the back and on the right of the green the terrain is very sloping.

140 meters – Par 3
A hole with tee in a raised position and characterized by a small ditch that crosses the hole about 120 meters from the tee and subsequently by a large central bunker positioned 20 meters from the green.

95 meters – Par 3
The shortest hole on the course where to reach the green you need to overcome a large bunker defending the green on the left and front.

150 meters – Par 3
A slightly uphill hole with a narrow access to the green well defended by a bunker on the right and one on the left placed across to also affect the front part.

Packages on Booking per Person:

From Monday to Friday:
Lunch € 15.00 Green € 22.00 Lesson 1/2 Hour € 20.00 Lesson 1 Hour € 38.00 Lesson 2 Hours € 70.00

Saturday and Sunday:
Lunch € 15.00 Green € 28.00 Lesson 1/2 Hour € 20.00 Lesson 1 Hour € 38.00 Lesson 2 Hours € 70.00

Dinner on Reservation from Thursday to Saturday € 23.00 per Person

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